Last night three Second Amendment Advocacy groups Firearms Policy Coalition, Firearms Policy Foundation, The Calguns Foundation, and California Association of Federal Firearms Licensees, launced CODEISFREESPEECH.COM in light of the last minute block from a Federal Judge of Defense Distributed release of firearm machining files/ 3d print firearm files which were to be released today. CODEISFREESPEECH.COM was designed to protect and secure ones First Amendment Rights of free speech. CODEISFREESPEECH.COM Currently has files for 80%, Complete Ar15, AR10, Ruger 10/22, 1911, and many more files available Also CODEISFREESPEECH.COM features Defense Distributed’s Liberator pistol.
PER CODEISFREESPEECH.COM is a publicly-available Web site for truthful, non-misleading, non-commercial speech and information that is protected under the United States Constitution. The purpose of this project is to allow people to share knowledge and empower them to exercise their fundamental, individual rights. is a project of Firearms Policy Coalition, Firearms Policy Foundation, The Calguns Foundation, California Association of Federal Firearms Licensees, and a number of individuals who are passionate about the Constitution and individual liberties. We wish to thank Cody Wilson and Defense Distributed for their courage, passion, innovation, and inspiration.